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(Continued from Page 1)

My tip is to have a favorite popcorn. Many people aren't sure what they want to buy. If you have a favorite, or one that you can recommend  they will usually choose that one and buy from you. Also if they are trying to decide between one or two bags of popcorn, up sell them to a box or tin. Usually if they like cheese but can't decide on a type I suggest the cheese lovers box and they will usually buy that instead of just one bag. - Matthew K

When you are doing a wagon sale/door to door sale back up 6 ft when you ring the doorbell to make sure the customer stays safe and feels safe because none of us know their rules and what they prefer during this pandemic called COVID-19. - Ben W

We ended our storefront sale by going around and reminding everyone that they would be closing in 10 minutes. Greeting people personally and reminding people in person was a great move, as we suddenly got a long line of people coming to the table! -Caleb and Dominic L Pack 3434

Have your shirt tucked in. Come to the door by yourself.  People are much more likely to buy from you if you (the Scout) are doing the sales pitch by yourself instead of having your Mom and Dad help you. Be prepared to tell them what your favorite flavor is when they ask!  Always say thank you! Make a business card!  My dad got some made for free from  Ask local businesses if they'd be willing to buy for their employees.  I have some businesses calling me up multiple times asking me if I have more popcorn for them!  I like to do wagon sales right before the Vikings kickoff.  I find lots of people like to buy snacks for the football game especially since no one is going to the games downtown this fall. When going door-to-door, always have everything with you.  I find people are much more willing to buy if they know they'll get their popcorn immediately - and then I don't need to spend time going back to their house later! --Nathan B, Pack 3582

Put out donation jars at local businesses to collect hometown hero money.  Be sure to thank the business for letting you leave it there!  Make lots of videos to have your parents share on Facebook - its a great way to reach friends and family who don't live nearby.  Even better, shipping is free this year if they spend $30 or more! Smile - its super easy and fun too! When someone says they don't like popcorn or they can't eat it, I always tell them they can donate money so I can buy popcorn for the Police and Firemen in town.-- Grant B, Pack 3582

When selling to neighbors, get to know them. Meet their dogs, take the time to introduce yourself, talk to them, exchange telephone numbers and emails addresses for a long term friendship and future sales next year! - Joey T, Pack 3273

I’ve done Facebook Live videos. The first video I introduced myself and talked about scouting and also provided the popcorn options and information to send a donation. The second video was a shout out to those who placed an order and I provided the last day to order. - Patrick

Best time to day door-to-door sales is NOT weekends—it is weekday evenings.  We have had success with this for the past few years and continues this year.  People are more likely to be home, versus on weekends. - Juniper M

When at a store front shift, talk to every person. Asking them to support Scouting by buying popcorn.- Jackson A, Pack 3273

Wear a popcorn gaiter mask to help sell popcorn and to identify what you're selling. - Ty L

Say "please and thank you" and to be nice to customers. - Oliver L

For every $300 in sales we get to throw a pie at our Cub master! - Henry E, Pack 3356

We sell door-to-door in our neighborhood, if someone is not at home or wants to buy popcorn online my mom made a postcard to hand out or hang on doors with a link to my popcorn website. - Owen E, Pack 3356

We created a "store" at our street corner. We passed out free candy with our website on it. - David & Jonathan L, Pack 249

Set a goal! Make a poster that shows what you have with you and what is available online. Take your cute younger brothers with you and get out to sell. Also make a video that can be shared with your link for online direct sales. - Harold K, Pack 9249

Get lots of exercise so you are able to walk from door to door. Go out selling as much as you can. Invite a friend to go sell popcorn in other neighborhoods so it is more fun. Marcus K, Pack 9249

I send out an email, then I order 1 bag of popcorn on my store at the same time I get orders in. Then I know once I get my popcorn, they probably got theirs too. Then when I'm almost done eating mine and am thinking I'd want more, I send another email because they might want more too! - Jack Pack 3916

Popcorn Door to Door sign, see directions here---> SIGN



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